mcfx's blog


DEFCON CTF 2023 Qualifier Writeup

In the DEFCON CTF Qualifier this year, I mainly contributed in challenge opacity and blackbox. This post contains the writeup for them.



In this challenge, we are given two ELFs init_drm and run_prog. We can use ./init_drm <program.license> ./run_prog <program.bin> to run some programs.

After some basic tests, we can find that a program only runs with correct license. The given triangle.bin will print a triangle, and password_for_flag.bin might give us the flag.


First, let's check init_drm.

It does only one things: patch qemu with some code and the license file.

But what are these patched values? Let's take a look in this specific qemu-aarch64-static.

Here is a comparison of them, the left is before patch, the right is after patch. The unk_88D390 points to the patched license.

In order to identify this part in the giant function, we could check the debugger symbols. However, I didn't do so.

In the later part, we can find such a string, and it's easy to find the corresponding function at

As a result, we know that the patched qemu will write the license to PAC keys when reset, instead of random keys.


The hard reverse process is mainly done by my teammates. Here are some key points:

We can find the PAC authentication code in, and calculate the truth table for all gates:

#define MAKE_64BIT_MASK(shift, length) \
    (((~0ULL) >> (64 - (length))) << (shift))

static inline uint64_t deposit64(uint64_t value, int start, int length,
                                 uint64_t fieldval)
    uint64_t mask;
    assert(start >= 0 && length > 0 && length <= 64 - start);
    mask = (~0ULL >> (64 - length)) << start;
    return (value & ~mask) | ((fieldval << start) & mask);

static inline int64_t sextract64(uint64_t value, int start, int length)
    assert(start >= 0 && length > 0 && length <= 64 - start);
    /* Note that this implementation relies on right shift of signed
     * integers being an arithmetic shift.
    return ((int64_t)(value << (64 - length - start))) >> (64 - length);

static inline uint32_t extract32(uint32_t value, int start, int length)
    assert(start >= 0 && length > 0 && length <= 32 - start);
    return (value >> start) & (~0U >> (32 - length));

static int rot_cell(int cell, int n)
    /* 4-bit rotate left by n.  */
    cell |= cell << 4;
    return extract32(cell, 4 - n, 4);

static inline uint64_t extract64(uint64_t value, int start, int length)
    assert(start >= 0 && length > 0 && length <= 64 - start);
    return (value >> start) & (~0ULL >> (64 - length));

static uint64_t pac_cell_shuffle(uint64_t i)
    uint64_t o = 0;

    o |= extract64(i, 52, 4);
    o |= extract64(i, 24, 4) << 4;
    o |= extract64(i, 44, 4) << 8;
    o |= extract64(i,  0, 4) << 12;

    o |= extract64(i, 28, 4) << 16;
    o |= extract64(i, 48, 4) << 20;
    o |= extract64(i,  4, 4) << 24;
    o |= extract64(i, 40, 4) << 28;

    o |= extract64(i, 32, 4) << 32;
    o |= extract64(i, 12, 4) << 36;
    o |= extract64(i, 56, 4) << 40;
    o |= extract64(i, 20, 4) << 44;

    o |= extract64(i,  8, 4) << 48;
    o |= extract64(i, 36, 4) << 52;
    o |= extract64(i, 16, 4) << 56;
    o |= extract64(i, 60, 4) << 60;

    return o;

static uint64_t pac_cell_inv_shuffle(uint64_t i)
    uint64_t o = 0;

    o |= extract64(i, 12, 4);
    o |= extract64(i, 24, 4) << 4;
    o |= extract64(i, 48, 4) << 8;
    o |= extract64(i, 36, 4) << 12;

    o |= extract64(i, 56, 4) << 16;
    o |= extract64(i, 44, 4) << 20;
    o |= extract64(i,  4, 4) << 24;
    o |= extract64(i, 16, 4) << 28;

    o |= i & MAKE_64BIT_MASK(32, 4);
    o |= extract64(i, 52, 4) << 36;
    o |= extract64(i, 28, 4) << 40;
    o |= extract64(i,  8, 4) << 44;

    o |= extract64(i, 20, 4) << 48;
    o |= extract64(i,  0, 4) << 52;
    o |= extract64(i, 40, 4) << 56;
    o |= i & MAKE_64BIT_MASK(60, 4);

    return o;

static uint64_t pac_sub(uint64_t i)
    static const uint8_t sub[16] = {
        0xb, 0x6, 0x8, 0xf, 0xc, 0x0, 0x9, 0xe,
        0x3, 0x7, 0x4, 0x5, 0xd, 0x2, 0x1, 0xa,
    uint64_t o = 0;
    int b;

    for (b = 0; b < 64; b += 4) {
        o |= (uint64_t)sub[(i >> b) & 0xf] << b;
    return o;

static uint64_t pac_inv_sub(uint64_t i)
    static const uint8_t inv_sub[16] = {
        0x5, 0xe, 0xd, 0x8, 0xa, 0xb, 0x1, 0x9,
        0x2, 0x6, 0xf, 0x0, 0x4, 0xc, 0x7, 0x3,
    uint64_t o = 0;
    int b;

    for (b = 0; b < 64; b += 4) {
        o |= (uint64_t)inv_sub[(i >> b) & 0xf] << b;
    return o;

static uint64_t pac_mult(uint64_t i)
    uint64_t o = 0;
    int b;

    for (b = 0; b < 4 * 4; b += 4) {
        int i0, i4, i8, ic, t0, t1, t2, t3;

        i0 = extract64(i, b, 4);
        i4 = extract64(i, b + 4 * 4, 4);
        i8 = extract64(i, b + 8 * 4, 4);
        ic = extract64(i, b + 12 * 4, 4);

        t0 = rot_cell(i8, 1) ^ rot_cell(i4, 2) ^ rot_cell(i0, 1);
        t1 = rot_cell(ic, 1) ^ rot_cell(i4, 1) ^ rot_cell(i0, 2);
        t2 = rot_cell(ic, 2) ^ rot_cell(i8, 1) ^ rot_cell(i0, 1);
        t3 = rot_cell(ic, 1) ^ rot_cell(i8, 2) ^ rot_cell(i4, 1);

        o |= (uint64_t)t3 << b;
        o |= (uint64_t)t2 << (b + 4 * 4);
        o |= (uint64_t)t1 << (b + 8 * 4);
        o |= (uint64_t)t0 << (b + 12 * 4);
    return o;

static uint64_t tweak_cell_rot(uint64_t cell)
    return (cell >> 1) | (((cell ^ (cell >> 1)) & 1) << 3);

static uint64_t tweak_shuffle(uint64_t i)
    uint64_t o = 0;

    o |= extract64(i, 16, 4) << 0;
    o |= extract64(i, 20, 4) << 4;
    o |= tweak_cell_rot(extract64(i, 24, 4)) << 8;
    o |= extract64(i, 28, 4) << 12;

    o |= tweak_cell_rot(extract64(i, 44, 4)) << 16;
    o |= extract64(i,  8, 4) << 20;
    o |= extract64(i, 12, 4) << 24;
    o |= tweak_cell_rot(extract64(i, 32, 4)) << 28;

    o |= extract64(i, 48, 4) << 32;
    o |= extract64(i, 52, 4) << 36;
    o |= extract64(i, 56, 4) << 40;
    o |= tweak_cell_rot(extract64(i, 60, 4)) << 44;

    o |= tweak_cell_rot(extract64(i,  0, 4)) << 48;
    o |= extract64(i,  4, 4) << 52;
    o |= tweak_cell_rot(extract64(i, 40, 4)) << 56;
    o |= tweak_cell_rot(extract64(i, 36, 4)) << 60;

    return o;

static uint64_t tweak_cell_inv_rot(uint64_t cell)
    return ((cell << 1) & 0xf) | ((cell & 1) ^ (cell >> 3));

static uint64_t tweak_inv_shuffle(uint64_t i)
    uint64_t o = 0;

    o |= tweak_cell_inv_rot(extract64(i, 48, 4));
    o |= extract64(i, 52, 4) << 4;
    o |= extract64(i, 20, 4) << 8;
    o |= extract64(i, 24, 4) << 12;

    o |= extract64(i,  0, 4) << 16;
    o |= extract64(i,  4, 4) << 20;
    o |= tweak_cell_inv_rot(extract64(i,  8, 4)) << 24;
    o |= extract64(i, 12, 4) << 28;

    o |= tweak_cell_inv_rot(extract64(i, 28, 4)) << 32;
    o |= tweak_cell_inv_rot(extract64(i, 60, 4)) << 36;
    o |= tweak_cell_inv_rot(extract64(i, 56, 4)) << 40;
    o |= tweak_cell_inv_rot(extract64(i, 16, 4)) << 44;

    o |= extract64(i, 32, 4) << 48;
    o |= extract64(i, 36, 4) << 52;
    o |= extract64(i, 40, 4) << 56;
    o |= tweak_cell_inv_rot(extract64(i, 44, 4)) << 60;

    return o;

static uint64_t pauth_computepac_architected(uint64_t data, uint64_t modifier,
                                             uint64_t key0, uint64_t key1)
    static const uint64_t RC[5] = {
    const uint64_t alpha = 0xC0AC29B7C97C50DDull;
     * Note that in the ARM pseudocode, key0 contains bits <127:64>
     * and key1 contains bits <63:0> of the 128-bit key.
    uint64_t workingval, runningmod, roundkey, modk0;
    int i;

    modk0 = (key0 << 63) | ((key0 >> 1) ^ (key0 >> 63));
    runningmod = modifier;
    workingval = data ^ key0;

    for (i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) {
        roundkey = key1 ^ runningmod;
        workingval ^= roundkey;
        workingval ^= RC[i];
        if (i > 0) {
            workingval = pac_cell_shuffle(workingval);
            workingval = pac_mult(workingval);
        workingval = pac_sub(workingval);
        runningmod = tweak_shuffle(runningmod);
    roundkey = modk0 ^ runningmod;
    workingval ^= roundkey;
    workingval = pac_cell_shuffle(workingval);
    workingval = pac_mult(workingval);
    workingval = pac_sub(workingval);
    workingval = pac_cell_shuffle(workingval);
    workingval = pac_mult(workingval);
    workingval ^= key1;
    workingval = pac_cell_inv_shuffle(workingval);
    workingval = pac_inv_sub(workingval);
    workingval = pac_mult(workingval);
    workingval = pac_cell_inv_shuffle(workingval);
    workingval ^= key0;
    workingval ^= runningmod;
    for (i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) {
        workingval = pac_inv_sub(workingval);
        if (i < 4) {
            workingval = pac_mult(workingval);
            workingval = pac_cell_inv_shuffle(workingval);
        runningmod = tweak_inv_shuffle(runningmod);
        roundkey = key1 ^ runningmod;
        workingval ^= RC[4 - i];
        workingval ^= roundkey;
        workingval ^= alpha;
    workingval ^= modk0;

    return workingval;

uint64_t test(uint32_t a,uint32_t b)
    return pauth_computepac_architected(a,b,0xcf1b86873198a7bdull,0xd6c912742cd0b7f9ull)>>48&0x7f;

uint32_t gates[665][7];

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    fread(gates,1,sizeof gates,f);
    for(int i=0;i<665;i++)
            int x=(gates[i][1]-0x4040000)/28,y=(gates[i][2]-0x4040000)/28;
            uint64_t x1=gates[x][3],x0=gates[x][4],y1=gates[y][3],y0=gates[y][4],
            printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n",


With the reversing done, we can try to find the flag.

In the given files, there are no license for password_for_flag.bin, so we can't directly execute it.

However, we can notice that the structure of password_for_flag.bin is exactly the same as triangle.bin, so we transplants the PAC values from triangle to password_for_flag.bin, and it seems worked.

Finally, I wrote a symbolic simulator using z3, and it produced some passwords. My teammates have different solutions, such as reversing the gates manually.

import sys, struct
import z3

def gate(x):
    if x == 0:
        return -1
        assert (x - 0x4040000) % 28 == 0
        return (x - 0x4040000) // 28

s = open('password_for_flag.bin', 'rb').read()
h = s[:0xb0]

memory = h[0x90:]
ha = struct.unpack('i' * 36, h[:0x90])
iter_count = ha[0]
ha = list(map(lambda x: (x - 0x4040000) // 28, ha))
is_out = ha[2]
out_regs = ha[3:11]
is_in = ha[11]
in_regs = ha[12:20]
is_exit = ha[20]
is_error = ha[21]
is_giveflag = ha[22]
mem_read_ptr = ha[23:28]
mem_read_val = ha[28:36]

s = s[0xb0:]
gates = []
while s:
    tp, tweak, check, lgate, rgate, lconst, rconst, oconst, dep = struct.unpack('<BBHIIIIII', s[:28])
    gates.append((tp & 7, tweak, check, gate(lgate), gate(rgate), lconst, rconst, oconst, dep))
    assert dep == 0
    s = s[28:]

val = [-1] * len(gates)
xo = [0] * len(gates)

for i, (tp, tweak, check, lgate, rgate, lconst, rconst, oconst, dep) in enumerate(gates):
    assert dep == 0
    if tp == 5 or tp == 3:
        assert oconst == lconst or oconst == rconst
        val[i] = int(oconst == lconst)
    elif tp == 0:
        assert gates[lgate][0] != 4
        assert gates[rgate][0] != 4
    elif tp == 4:
        xo[i] = int(gates[lgate][5] != lconst)
        assert False

tt = [None] * len(gates)
for line in open('table.txt').readlines():
    i, *o = map(int, line.split())
    tt[i] = o

q = []
c = [0] * len(gates)
for i in range(len(gates)):
    if gates[i][0] == 0:
        c[gates[i][3]] += 1
        c[gates[i][4]] += 1
for i in range(len(gates)):
    if gates[i][0] == 0 and c[i] == 0:
i = 0
while i < len(q):
    x = q[i]
    i += 1
    c[gates[x][3]] -= 1
    c[gates[x][4]] -= 1
    if gates[gates[x][3]][0] == 0 and c[gates[x][3]] == 0:
    if gates[gates[x][4]][0] == 0 and c[gates[x][4]] == 0:
for i in range(len(gates)):
    assert c[i] == 0
q = q[::-1]

def read_val(val, arr):
    r = 0
    for i in range(len(arr)):
        r |= val[arr[i]] << i
    return r

def write_val(val, arr, v):
    for i in range(len(arr)):
        val[arr[i]] = v >> i & 1

for i in range(len(gates)):
    if gates[i][0] == 0:
        if tt[i][0]:
            tt[i] = lambda x, y: (1 ^ x) & (1 ^ y)
        elif tt[i][1]:
            tt[i] = lambda x, y: (1 ^ x) & y
        elif tt[i][2]:
            tt[i] = lambda x, y: x & (1 ^ y)
        elif tt[i][3]:
            tt[i] = lambda x, y: x & y

val = [z3.BitVecVal(x, 8)for x in val]
flag = [z3.BitVec('x' + str(i), 8)for i in range(21)]
in_p = 0
some_flag = 0
solver = z3.Solver()
for x in flag:
    solver.add(x != 0)

def get_unique_value(x):
    assert solver.check() == z3.sat
    m = solver.model()
    t = m.eval(x).as_long()
    solver.add(x != t)
    assert solver.check() == z3.unsat
    return t

for it in range(iter_count):
    for i in q:
        l, r = gates[i][3:5]
        val[i] = 1 ^ tt[i](val[l], val[r])
    for i in range(len(gates)):
        if gates[i][0] == 4 and gates[i][3] != -1:
            val[i] = xo[i] ^ val[gates[i][3]]
    for i in range(len(gates)):
        if (gates[i][0] == 3 or gates[i][0] == 5) and gates[i][3] != -1:
            val[i] = val[gates[i][3]]
    for i in range(len(gates)):
        val[i] = z3.simplify(val[i])
    memptr = z3.simplify(read_val(val, mem_read_ptr))
    if it + 1 < iter_count:
        solver.add(val[is_exit] == 0)
    if get_unique_value(val[is_in]):
        write_val(val, in_regs, flag[in_p])
        in_p += 1

    m = solver.model()
    t = m.eval(memptr).as_long()
    v = z3.BitVecVal(memory[t], 8)
    solver.add(memptr != t)
    while solver.check() == z3.sat:
        m = solver.model()
        t = m.eval(memptr).as_long()
        v = z3.If(memptr == t, z3.BitVecVal(memory[t], 8), v)
        solver.add(memptr != t)
    write_val(val, mem_read_val, v)

    some_flag |= val[is_giveflag]

s2 = z3.Solver()
for x in flag:
    s2.add(x >= 32)
    s2.add(z3.ULT(x, 128))
s2.add(some_flag == 1)
if s2.check() == z3.sat:
    m = s2.model()
    print(bytes([m.eval(x).as_long()for x in flag]))


We can send some code to execute in a VM, but we don't know anything about it.

Here's a timeline for solving it:

日期: 2023-06-02

标签: CTF Writeup